Note to Cheer Community – June 5, 2021
As you may have heard or seen on social media, a former cheerleading coach was arrested and charged with sexual assault and sexual exploitation by the Edmonton Police Service (EPS). Click here for the EPS Statement. We know many of you are rightfully upset and disturbed by this.
We are disheartened that this is happening but proud of those who have had the courage to come forward. We are here to support you in navigating these difficult times. Abuse, harassment and maltreatment have no place in our sport. We are committed to working and engaging with our entire Cheer community to create a safe and welcoming environment for all participants.
Although we are a relatively new national sport organization, we have a number of Safe Sport processes in place to ensure all of our participants are safe and anyone who does not feel safe knows what to do.
- We have a Cheer Canada Safe Sport Hub on our website with links to a number of resources including a neutral third party who independently case manages any complaints that are brought forward
- Anyone who would like to reach out to our Independent Safe Sport Officer can contact Brian Ward directly at safesport_wwdrs@primus.ca
- Our reporting processes and forms are easily accessible on our website such as Cheer Canada Complaint Reporting Online Form
- Cheer Canada has adopted the Coaches Association of Canada Responsible Coaching Movement which has three main components including the Rule of Two, Screening of Coaches and Ethics Training.
- We provide access to Respect in Sport training and require all national coaches to complete either Respect in Sport or Coaches Association of Canada’s Safe Sport training. As of July 1, 2021, this will apply to all Cheer Canada member coaches.
- We require all national athletes and coaches to sign and adhere to our Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy
Cheer Canada has also provided all member organizations with access to our Safe Sport policies with the intention of an aligned and united Cheer community. We want to assure you that Cheer Canada is dedicated to providing positive and safe Cheer experiences. We will continue to do everything possible to safeguard our athletes and everyone involved in Cheer.
If you have any questions or concerns about any of these initiatives, please feel free to reach out to me personally. And please kindly refer any media inquiries to me president@cheercanada.ca.
Tara Savoie, President, Cheer Canada