Non-building divisions that align with the existing Cheer Canada age grids may be incorporated when regional regulations may affect the participation of team. PSO’s/EP’s can elect to make minor modifications to the existing scoring resources to adjust for their regional realities. Ideally, solutions that facilitate competitive options, limit division dilution and utilize existing resources are recommended whenever possible.
The Technical Coordination Committee recommends the following examples of possible modifications and suggestions on how to navigate these scenarios.
Scenario: Adjudicating teams who are not permitted to execute pyramids or tosses due to Covid-19 regulations against teams who are not restricted.
- Amalgamate the Building Scoresheet into one aggregate score for teams restricted from executing pyramids or tosses, allowing teams who can only stunt to execute more stunts in lieu of tosses or pyramids.
REASONING: Facilitates participation in the competitive league, reduces required modifications to scoring resources and judges training, reduces the further dilution of divisions.
ACTION NEEDED: Additional clarification should come from Officials Development Committee.